Airbnb Summary – 2016 November

Budapest Airbnb data visualization

Based on the full dataset of Airbnb rentals in Budapest.

Download date of current dataset: November 27, 2016.

Data Source: Airbnb

Software used: Python, Folium, Bokeh

Research purpose: to be able to give an overview of Budapest’s Airbnb rentals’ basic characteristics. Further analysis will be conducted on this rich dataset.

Maps and charts displayed here include rental locations, listing types, ratings, average prices, distance from the city center and more. Three choropleth maps show aggregated data on the districts level, and additional two display world maps, based on the number of reviews by visitors’ country of origin.

The visualization tools showcased on this site reveal that the vast majority of rentals are found in the inner city (districts 7, 6 and 5). Entire places dominate the market, and only 16% of listings are private or shared rooms. The 5th district is the most expensive part of the city (not counting District 16 with only 17, but very expensive listings). Most of the rentals only have up to 10 reviews, which shows that they are relatively new on the market. The majority of listings can be found in the 6000 to 16000 HUF price range. Also, the average ratings are above 4.4 in every district (on a scale of 1 to 5). Finally: the highest number of reviews per 100,000 people were written by visitors from Denmark, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Austria.

Please use the menu on the left to navigate.

Author: Árpád Knap

Currently studying Survey Statistics MSc @ Eötvös Loránd University
